Odyssey, Parenting Your Teen Programme

The aim of the programme is to improve the parent-teenager relationship and to provide parents with the skills and knowledge about how to be an authoritative parent, the changes that happen during adolescence and how that affects teenagers thinking and their relationships, how to put in place rules and consequences, how to build teenagers self-esteem, how to manage conflict and problems effectively and access support services.

Contact Details

Organisation:Parenting NI
Contact name(s):Ruth Foley
Address:42 Dublin Road, Belfast, BT2 7HN
Telephone:+44 (0)28 9031 0891
Mobile:+353 (0)83 178 6700
Email:[email protected]

Programme Details

Target audience:Parents in general, Parents of children 13-18, People who parent alone, Post separation parents, Fathers, Foster parents, Blended families
Theme/subject matter:General Parenting, Behaviour Management
Method of delivery:Group work
Programme aims:The aim of the programme is to improve the parent-teenager relationship and to provide parents with the skills and knowledge about how to be an authoritative parent, the changes that happen during adolescence and how that affects teenagers thinking and their relationships, how to put in place rules and consequences, how to build teenagers self-esteem, how to manage conflict and problems effectively and access support services.
Resources used:Arnett, J.J. (2010) Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood: A Cultural Perspective (4th Edition. Coleman, J. (2011) The Nature of Adolescence (4th Edition). Steinberg, L. (2004) The 10 Basic Principles of Good Parenting. Steinberg, L. & Levine, A. (1997) You and Your Adolescent: A Parents Guide for ages 10-20.

About the Facilitator

Qualifications:Educated to Diploma level or above (or equivalent) OCN Level 3 Facilitation Skills.
Experience:At least 3 year experience of and evidence of consistently delivering parenting programmes. At least 3 years experience of working with parents on family issues and an understanding of their diverse needs. A sound working knowledge and considerable experience of child development and managing children’s and young people’s behaviour.

Location & Duration of the Programme

CountyAll counties
Local venue: 
Other details about the location of the programme: 
Number of sessions:8
Frequency of sessions:Weekly
No. of hours per session:2 hours
When is the programme held?Evenings
Is childcare available?No

Booking the Programme

How do I book a place on the programme?Self Referral, Referred by professional
Total cost incl. materials:Cost will vary depending on if funding is available.

About Barnardos

Barnardos’ mission is to deliver services and work with families, communities, and our partners to transform the lives of vulnerable children who are affected by adverse childhood experiences. Because childhood lasts a lifetime www.barnardos.ie  

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