Work with LGBTQ+

Finglas LGBTQ+ Capacity Building Initiative

In 2021, funding was granted under the LGBTQ+ Youth Strategy, an initiative by The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth to Barnardos, Better Finglas, Finglas family support, Finglas West Family Resource Centre (FWFRC) alongside Finglas Youth Resource Centre (FYRC). This initiative aimed to build integrated community approaches for supporting families of LGBTQ+ youth.   

As part of the delivery of this initiative, the aim is for Finglas to become more inclusive of LGBTQ+ young people and their families by supporting them, increasing awareness and support and creating a safe and inclusive space for young people and their families. We want to create an environment across Finglas where LGBTQ+ young people & their families can be fully open about their sexuality and gender identity and bring their authentic self without fear of discrimination.


  • Parent/guardian support groups where parents can connect with others, share their experiences and receive peer support will run from September 2023.
  • Building a strong Finglas LGBTQ+ Network that develops the LGBTQ+ visibility across Finglas, with visible welcoming signage, flags & zebra crossings around the Finglas community.
  • We will also celebrate & promote existing LGBTQ+ national events by having our own Pride events in June 2023
  • A stand-up week with FYRC staff supporting local schools to implement and deliver programmes, provide information as well as hosting a local stand-up week event will take place towards the end of 2023. 

In 2022 / 2021 we provided: 

  • Community Awareness Training: Two days training took place delivered by BeLonG To in collaboration with FYRC and FWFRC. The focus of the training was to raise awareness in the community and to develop our skills and knowledge working with LGBTQ+ young people, with a particular focus on working directly with their parents. 
  • Webinar: A webinar to support LGBTQ+ young people, increasing awareness, highlighting challenges the LGBTQ+ community face and the supportive organisations in Ireland was hosted for professionals in the community, young people and parents. There was a total of 35 participants and speakers included BeLonG To, TENI, Insight Matters, a young LGBTQ+ person and a parent.  
  • Celebration event: A celebration event took place in December 2021 to mark this initiative and celebrate LGBTQ+ within the Finglas community. A video of LGBTQ+ Young People as well as family members raising awareness and providing information by sharing personal stories was shown to attendees.   
  • Information Resource Packs: 60 information and wellness packs for both young people and parents were developed and distributed to the Finglas area.   
  • Resource library: 27 agencies/organisations that attended the community awareness training received resources (books) in packs in order to increase awareness and highlight challenges LGBTQ+ young people face. Finglas Library, have created a resource library of LGBTQ+ family friendly books to build on representation of different families and to support young LGBTQ+ individuals with information, advice and support.   
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