Homemaker Service
Homemaker Service
Barnardos’ Homemaker Family Support Service is a home-based service in Limerick City, and surrounding areas, that aims to improve children’s experience of home life through practical parenting support.
The Homemaker Service takes a strengths and capacity building approach in order to achieve sustainable change, helping parents in a practical way with their parenting capacity and routines, such as:
- Household and family routines
- Budgeting
- Parenting
- Household management
The service is funded through ABC Start Right, Tusla and the Social Intervention Fund.
How we can help you
The Homemaker Service can provide short-term practical support sessions to you in your family home if you live in and around Limerick City. Before work commences a brief assessment will be completed to ensure this is the appropriate service for you and your family.
Homemaker can work with you for up to a maximum of 24 weeks, with 8 weekly reviews to consider whether the outcomes have been met.
The service is flexible and can work with you at key periods of the day up to 2-3 times per week such as mornings (for example, breakfast and getting ready for school) and evenings (family meals, homework and bedtime), or at other times identified in partnership with you. We can support you to carry out a variety of daily household management tasks, such as:
- Meal planning
- Grocery shopping
- Food preparation
- House cleaning
- Dishwashing
- Laundry
Through a mixture of teaching, demonstrating and encouraging, the Homemaker staff will help you strengthen your ability and confidence to carry out household tasks and routines to meet the educational, social and emotional needs of your children.
Who is eligible for the service?
Any parent or carer living in and around Limerick City with at least one child aged 0-8 years who is finding daily life a little demanding at the moment. Referrals are accepted directly from parents, families and other sources with the consent of the family.
Research and Evaluation
Homemaker Family Support Service - Executive Summary
A small-scale internal evaluation was undertaken in 2017. The research demonstrates the effectiveness of the early intervention support service in improving family trajectory and self-efficacy across a range of domains