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Our Promise to You

Pass on the gift of a happy childhood

When you pledge to leave a gift in your Will to Barnardos, we understand that you are trusting us with your hopes for children all over Ireland, and to ensure your values and beliefs live on.

We value your trust in us, and in return we promise;

  1. To follow the Statement of Recommended Practice for Financial Reporting by Charities (SORP) standard, which is recommended by the Accounting Standards Board (ASB).
  2. To promote best practice in fundraising and adhere to the Charities Regulator Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising.
  3. To make sure our annual reports are available to view at all times on our website here
  4. To respect your privacy and recognise your Will is a personal document. We don’t expect you to share this information with us and will never ask you to. We are fully compliant with the Data Protection Actsand treat all information you provide to us as confidential.
  5. To give you as much choice as possible about how and where your gift will be used. If you decide to leave this to our discretion, it will be used in a wise, considered and cost-effective way to benefit children and families.
  6. to respect your right to change your mind about your intentions or leaving gift in your Will to Barnardos.

You don’t need to let us know if you have left a gift in your Will. But if you choose to, we would like to express our gratitude, let you know about our work and invite you to events of interest to you. We would also like to give you the opportunity to be involved with our work, as much or as little, if you wish to do so.

Please get in touch with Ciara McGowan, Legacy Manager on 01 7080 469 or send me an email if you would like more information on any aspect of our work, to organise a visit to one of our projects or to talk about leaving a gift in your Will.

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