How Can I keep safe

If you can, find a safe place

Here are some examples from other children: Your Bedroom, Outside, Grannys, Bathroom, Garden, Neighbours house

If its safe – Phone Emergency Services

Phone: 999 or 112
The operator will ask you if you want to speak to a Gardai / Ambulance / Fire. Tell them your name, your address if you know it or a nearby landmark, tell them what is happening if you can.

All Feelings Are OK

Sometimes I felt afraid or scared, Sad, Cross, Angry, Undermined, Hurt, Worried

Who are my safe and trusted people?

Draw around your hand and in each finger name a person in your life who you feel you can talk to about your feelings. Maybe, Mammy, a teacher or a neighbour... OR if you are not feeling safe. Think - Sharing my plan? - Which of my safe and trusted people can I share my plan with?

Help and Support is available

  • turn2me is a high-quality, safe, anonymous, and confidential space for you to gain support for your mental health online.

  • The Citizens Information Service provides free information about all public services in Ireland. Lo-call 1890 777 121

  • Child and Family Agency supports Family Resource Centres, marriage/ relationship, bereavement & child counselling services and operates the Family Mediation Service.

  • The Family Resource Centre National Forum is a national representative body working with Family Resource Centres located in communities throughout Ireland.

  • Teenfocus is a support service to teenagers 13–18yrs who are experiencing difficulties. It is run by the Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.

  • SpunOut is an online interactive support and information service for young people. It covers a range of issues relevant to young peoples’ lives and provides useful signposts to support services available.

  • Teen-Line Ireland is a confidential helpline service for teenagers, dealing with any problems or worries they are experiencing. Freephone helpline: 1800 833 634 8-11pm or Text ‘Teen’ to 50015

  • Youth Information Centres are based in many towns and cities and provide a free, confidential, service to young people and to those who work with them, on wide range of subjects including careers, education, employment matters, rights and entitlements, leisure, sport, travel and european opportunities.

  • The National Youth Council of Ireland is a representative body for voluntary national youth organisations. It can help you to find youth services in your area.


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