ELC Support Resources
About Us
Barnardos is committed to supporting early learning and care, school age childcare and childminders through the provision of learning and development opportunities that support the enhancement of knowledge and skills and quality services to achieve positive outcomes for children and families.
Join our Early Years Learning and Development Facebook group. Click Here
Information Newsletters
Sign up now to our Early Years e-newsletter which covers news and developments of interest to those working in early childhood education and care.
Click Here to sign up.

Tipsheets for Educators
We have compiled some Tipsheets to support you with specific issues.
Talking to children about war – update
Talking to children about war – Ukraine
Supporting the Wellbeing of Children from Ukraine – The Early Learning and Care Environment
Supporting the Wellbeing of Children from Ukraine – The Healing Power of Being Outdoors
Barnardos Support Resource Ukraine An Timpeallacht Um Fhoghlaim Agus Chúram Na Luath Óige
Barnardos Support Resource Ukraine An Chumhacht Cneasaithe A Bheith Amuigh
Barnardos Support Resource Ukraine Ag Aistriú Go Suíomhanna Fhoghlaim Agus Cúram Na Luath Óige
Supporting the Wellbeing of Children from Ukraine – Transitions into School Age Childcare
Supporting the Wellbeing of Children from Ukraine – Promoting Resilience and Recovery in ELC
Barnardos – Athléimneacht agus Téarnamh a Chur Chun Cinn sa Luathfhoghlaim agus sa Luathchúram

We have a range of quality, accessible publications available on our online store (Click Here) for professionals and anyone interested in or studying early childhood care and education, and school age childcare.
We offer free e-learning courses and other online training events such as webinars to support you in your continuing professional development.

Click Here for free e-learning courses

Click Here for Webinars
Our library and information service supports those working in early learning and care, school age childcare and childminders. Please contact [email protected] or call 01-4549699 with information queries.
Regional Development Work
We have a team of Regional Development Workers who provide Síolta and Aistear mentoring to support early learning and care services. If there is an area of practice you’d like to focus on during this time, we can provide information and resources and facilitate mentoring sessions in whatever way that suits you. We can assist in relation to a specific issue or for an extended period, depending on your requirement. To enquire further please contact [email protected] or call 086 4651696.

Click Here for Library and information services
You can access the reading list for health and wellbeing here