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Dublin 12 Strengthening Families Programme

The programme aims to support parents and their children to: Address challenging behaviour within the family environment; Increase the levels of effective communication between parents and their children; Develop a number of key parenting skills to support improved relationships with their children.

Contact Details

Organisation:Rathmines Pembroke Community Partnership
Contact name(s):Richard Costello (Programme Manager)
Address:17 St. Agnes Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12
Telephone:01 4095082
Mobile:086 0668140
Email:[email protected]

Programme Details

Target audience:Parents in general, Parents of children 13-18, People who parent alone, Experiencing alcohol/substance misuse.
Theme/subject matter:General Parenting, Behaviour Management, Drugs-misuse/prevention
Method of delivery:Group work
Programme aims:The programme aims to support parents and their children to: Address challenging behaviour within the family environment; Increase the levels of effective communication between parents and their children; Develop a number of key parenting skills to support improved relationships with their children.
Resources used:The programme is based on the internationally developed and recognised programme and the resource materials and training developed by them is used to support delivery. See

About the Facilitator

Name:Patsy Moran (Additcition Response Crumlin)
Qualifications:Qualified Social Worker, Addiction Support Worker and Strengthening Families Programme Facilitator.
Experience:Patsy has been the Site coordinator for the 4 Strengthening Families Programmes in D12 since 2011.

Location & Duration of the Programme

CountyDublin 12
Local venue:Addiction Response Crumlin, Crumlin Road, Dublin 12
Other details about the location of the programme: 
Number of sessions:15 sessions
Frequency of sessions:Weekly
No. of hours per session:4 hours
When is the programme held?Evenings
Is childcare available?Yes

Booking the Programme

How do I book a place on the programme?Referred by professional, All individuals must be referred to the programme by an individual already working to support the family in some context e.g. social work, counselling, youth provision etc.
Total cost incl. materials:Free

About Barnardos

Barnardos’ mission is to deliver services and work with families, communities, and our partners to transform the lives of vulnerable children who are affected by adverse childhood experiences. Because childhood lasts a lifetime  

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