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Parents Together Community Course

The programme aims to support parents in: encouraging children's learning, reducing behavioural problems, promote children's self-esteem and good parent-child relationships.

Contact Details

Organisation:Early Learning Initiative
Contact name(s):Catriona Flood
Address:National College of Ireland, Mayor Street, Mayor Street, IFSC, Dublin 1
Telephone:01 5598544
Email:[email protected]\eli

Programme Details

Target audience:Parents of children 0-5
Theme/subject matter:General Parenting, Behaviour Management
Method of delivery:Group work
Programme aims:The programme aims to support parents in: encouraging children’s learning, reducing behavioural problems, promote children’s self-esteem and good parent-child relationships.
Resources used:Marte Meo Programme (Aarts, 1996), Hanen Programme (Manolson, 1992), Parent/Child Game (Forehand & McMahon, 1981), Mellow Parenting, ‘Emotion Coaching’ (Gottman, 1997), The Incredible Years Programme (Webster-Stratton, 1992) and Parents Plus Programmes (Sharry & Fitzpatrick, 1997; 2001).

About the Facilitator

Name:Catriona Flood
Qualifications:Graduate Diploma in Advanced Educational Studies (St. Patrick’s College of Education); BA (Hons) English, Media & Cultural Studies (Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design & Technology); Certificate in Learning and Teaching (National College of Ireland); Solution Focused Coaching and Mentoring; Accredited Parents Plus/Parents Together Facilitator Trainer; Diploma in Parent Mentoring (National College of Ireland)and Parental Involvement in their Children’s Learning (PICL)(Pen Green Centre, Corby).
Experience:Project Coordinator for community based Early Years Education programme; Parents Together Facilitator and Parents Together Facilitator Trainer; Toddler Group facilitator; Delivery of CPD training for early years practitioners and development and delivery of early numeracy programme for parents.

Location & Duration of the Programme

CountyDublin 1
Local venue:National College of Ireland
Other details about the location of the programme: 
Number of sessions:6
Frequency of sessions:Weekly
No. of hours per session:2 hours
When is the programme held?Evenings
Is childcare available?No

Booking the Programme

How do I book a place on the programme?Self Referral, Referred by professional
Total cost incl. materials:Free to parents within the target area.

About Barnardos

Barnardos’ mission is to deliver services and work with families, communities, and our partners to transform the lives of vulnerable children who are affected by adverse childhood experiences. Because childhood lasts a lifetime  

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