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Solace Family Wellbeing

To support the development of parenting practices which nurture the well-being and development (social, intellectual and behavioural). Deepen our understanding of the potential for family relationships to build esteem and support the needs of each family member individual equally as well as the family as a whole.

Contact Details

Organisation:Solace Family Well-being
Contact name(s):Patricia Barrett & Trish Ryan
Address:Mallow Primary Health Care Centre
Telephone:086 8387677
Mobile:086 3803294
Email:[email protected]

Programme Details

Target audience:Parents in general, Parents of children 0-5, Parents of children 6-12, Parents of children 13-18, First time parents, People who parent alone, Post separation parents, Fathers, Foster parents, Blended families, Teachers, Coaches, Childminders (adults in parenting roles)
Theme/subject matter:General Parenting, First Time Parenting, Behaviour Management, Post-separation parenting, Supporting the develoment of whole family well-being and potential as well as navigating the teenage years.
Method of delivery:Group work, One-to-one work, Bespoke talks and workshops for groups and organisations.
Programme aims:To support the development of parenting practices which nurture the well-being and development (social, intellectual and behavioural). Deepen our understanding of the potential for family relationships to build esteem and support the needs of each family member individual equally as well as the family as a whole.
Resources used:Manuals used are those created by Tony Humphreys (3) and Helen Ruddle (1 – teenage years co-author): Family Well-being, The Teenage Years and Realising Your Potential.

About the Facilitator

Name:Patricia Barrett & Trish Ryan
Qualifications:UCC accredited Parent Mentor and IARM validated.
Experience:Qualified June 2012 and opened Solace in September 2012.

Location & Duration of the Programme

Local venue:North Cork
Number of sessions:Specific to course, one to ones are client led.
Frequency of sessions:Not specified
No. of hours per session:Course sessions are weekly, one to one sessions are client led.
When is the programme held?Mornings, Depends on the needs of the participants
Is childcare available?No

Booking the Programme

How do I book a place on the programme?Self Referral, Referred by professional

About Barnardos

Barnardos’ mission is to deliver services and work with families, communities, and our partners to transform the lives of vulnerable children who are affected by adverse childhood experiences. Because childhood lasts a lifetime  

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