Back to School 2023
Back to School 2023
Barnardos’ Back to School Survey 2023 highlights that parents, particularly lone parents, are concerned about meeting back to school costs this summer. The survey has found that many will find it harder this year due to the ongoing cost of living increases. Parents are finding themselves under considerable financial pressure to meet costs and expressed frustration and exasperation with being compelled to pay high uniform costs, large sums for digital tools and increased voluntary contribution fees, which in reality are not really ‘voluntary’.

It is a very difficult and such a stressful time. I lie awake in bed with anxiety thinking how will we meet the uniform needs along with the grocery bill. We both work and we have eaten through our savings since January due to the rise in the cost of living for everything.
Primary school parent
A snapshot of Back to School 2023

2023 Survey Findings
- The basic cost of sending a child to school in 2023 remains substantial across primary and secondary: the average cost of the basics needed for a fourth class pupil is €320, a first year pupil is €972 and a fifth year pupil is €863.
- There is a direct correlation between the introduction of free schoolbooks for primary school students and the reduction in back to school costs.
- Half of primary (50%) and two-thirds of secondary school parents (66%) stated they are worried about meeting costs this year (14% primary and 27% secondary said they were very concerned).
- One third of primary school (35%) and half (50%) of secondary school parents said cost of living increases have made it much more difficult to meet costs with a further two-fifths of parents (41%) saying it had made it slightly more difficult.
- One in four secondary school parents (24%) said they had to take out a loan or borrow from friends in order to meet back to school costs.
- One-third (32%) of secondary school parents stated they had to pay over €300 for digital costs for their child.
Barnardos Recommends
Barnardos believes that no parent should face financial pressure in trying to meet what are essential costs for their children’s education. By investing in our education system and tackling school costs, we can ensure that all children start off with the same resources, increasing their ability to reach their full potential.
We know that the impact of a child’s early experiences lasts a lifetime and school is an essential part of that experience. We offered parents an opportunity to suggest priorities for the government that would make costs more affordable for them. Our recommendations are based on what they told us.
- Free school books
Extend free schoolbooks to all secondary schools children.
- Ensure all schools have an option of a low-cost uniform
The Department of Education should mandate that all schools in Ireland introduce low-cost uniform options.
- Maintain Back to School Allowance increase and extend Child Benefit
Commit to extending the €100 increase to the back to school allowance on a permanent basis and extend Child Benefit.
- End voluntary contributions
Increase the capitation grant to reduce reliance of schools on voluntary contributions.
Download Results and Analysis 2023
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