Tusla, Care Orders & the Social Care System

What is Tusla?

Tusla is Ireland’s child and family agency.

Tusla provide a number of services to children and families nationwide, ranging from family support to providing care and protection to children at significant risk. 

Tulsa provides a number of alternative care arrangements. This includes the provision of foster care, residential care, and special care.

There are many different roles within Tusla:

  • Family support workers
  • Early years
  • Social workers
  • Social Care workers
  • Access workers

When children need alternative arrangements, there are a number of different ways that this decision can be made:

  • A Voluntary Agreement is reached by parents and Tusla, or
  • No agreement is reached and a Care Order is applied for in court.

For more information on Tusla and the work that they do, click here.

The Social Care System & Care Orders

Get in touch

If you are a parent who’d like some support through childcare proceedings, freephone or email [email protected], the Parental Advocacy Service, delivered by Barnardos. 

Our independent & confidential service is open to all parents of children in care.

1800 333 355.


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