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Clonmel Community Mother Programme Home Visiting Service

Visits centre around the individual needs of the parent. Provide support to all parents of children 0-5 years. Rapid response breast feeding support to help establish breast feeding routine in the early days.

Contact Details

Organisation:Clonmel Community Parent Support Programme Ltd.
Contact name(s):Jill Sandvoss
Address:Room 3, Clonmel Community Resource Centre, Kickham Street, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary
Telephone:052 6128199
Mobile:086 8359912
Email:[email protected]

Programme Details

Target audience:Parents in general, Parents of children 0-5, First time parents, People who parent alone, Post separation parents, Fathers, Foster parents, Blended families
Theme/subject matter:General Parenting, First Time Parenting, Behaviour Management, Special Needs, Support and information and breast feeding support.
Method of delivery:Group work, One-to-one work, Home visiting
Programme aims:Visits centre around the individual needs of the parent. Provide support to all parents of children 0-5 years. Rapid response breast feeding support to help establish breast feeding routine in the early days.
Resources used:Wide range of resources used i.e. Parents Plus Programme, Early Years CHISP (Child Health Information Booklets) and breast feeding material.

About the Facilitator

Name:Jill Sandvoss
Qualifications:B Soc Sc (Hons), Special Needs H DP, New Horizons Facilitator, Parents Plus Facilitator, IMH.
Experience:25 years.

Location & Duration of the Programme

Local venue:Clonmel & surrounds, Cahir and Cashel.
Other details about the location of the programme: 
Number of sessions:Varies according to parents needs.
Frequency of sessions:Weekly
No. of hours per session:1 hour
When is the programme held?Mornings, Evenings, Depends on the needs of the participants
Is childcare available?No

Booking the Programme

How do I book a place on the programme?Self Referral, Referred by professional
Total cost incl. materials:Free

About Barnardos

Barnardos’ mission is to deliver services and work with families, communities, and our partners to transform the lives of vulnerable children who are affected by adverse childhood experiences. Because childhood lasts a lifetime  

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